Weighing Equipment
PRICE: $165,000 SOLD
An established business specialising in the service, verification and the sale of weighing equipment. The business has an excellent reputation, enjoys a high level of repeat clientele and is profitable. It would suit an owner operator, partnership or could be integrated with an allied company. A most interesting opportunity!
This exciting business has been operating under a private company structure since 1999.
On average 50% of the income is generated from the service of weighing equipment and up to 12 months ago, 40% of the income was derived from the sale and installation of weighing equipment.
In brief, the business exists in a regulated market and it holds a licence with the National Measurement (NMI), an Australian Government Department.
Entities or people who sell goods to the public by weight are required by law to have their weighing equipment checked for accuracy - this process is referred to as verification.
Other customers who do not operate trade scales also require calibration services. A licence with NMI is not required for services to non trade weighing equipment.
The subject company provides calibration services on scales that range from being very accurate measuring fractions of a gram to larger scale industrial applications such as weighbridges or concrete plants measuring tonnes.
No restrictions apply to reselling scales, (apart from legislation around used for trade). Most equipment suppliers do not have a local presence, therefore, form strategic alliances with local people who hold a service licence and can install and calibrate the equipment once it is operating.
Here's a business that's established, has an excellent reputation and is profitable.
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